Professional Network Marketing

Eight Habits that Will Guarantee Success

By John Milton Fogg

Habits are a fact of life and work. There are bad habits – ones that undermine and disable you, and there are supportive habits – ones that empower you and assure ongoing positive action and achievement.

Following is a list of eight habits you can do every day. They are not the only ones, but they’re proven practices that will contribute to your professional network marketing success – guaranteed.

1. Write Down Your Goals and Review Them Daily.

Successful people in all walks of life and work not only have goals, they also write them down and review them daily. Making written goals keeps the “why” of the business up in front of your face. Written goals assist in keeping you focused, help you get through difficult times, and are more “real” and concrete than dreams in thought. Knowing where you want to go transforms a “Sunday drive” into a purposeful journey. It is the key to creating success by design – the design you want – and not by luck or accident.

2. Listen.

How often are you more interested in what you have to say than in what the person you’re speaking with is saying? Do you have more answers than questions? Do you approach conversations with an agenda you want to “get” the other person to “see” or agree with?

Listening is a powerful ingredient for success, yet many of us are not good listeners.
The key to listening is this: notice when you’re thinking about your answer instead of listening; stop, focus on what the other person is saying and ask more questions. Kahil Gibran said that the true teacher does not bring you to the storehouse of his or her wisdom, but rather leads you to the threshold of your own. Giving people the right information is important, even empowering. Helping them discover what’s right empowers them 100 times more.

3. Acknowledge Your Actions Instead of Your Results.

Although many of us have been taught that it’s the result that counts, a focus on results may actually be counterproductive. What if, instead, we focused on our actions – and let the results take care of themselves?

For one thing, our actions create results. So it makes sense that continuous action – what we call being “proactive” – will generate more and greater results. By acknowledging our actions, we give ourselves – and others – positive reinforcement. We build a pattern of success.

Focusing on results tends to trap people into “doing it right,” rather than just doing it. That’s a sure set up for failure.

Remember, it took Thomas Edison 9,999 attempts (actions) to make a light bulb (the result). If he’d been preoccupied with the result, we might still be in the dark.

Consistent action – each one being able to be completed – generates momentum, the on-going power we need to accomplish our goals.

4. Say Only Things That Champion People.

“If you can’t say anything nice…” There’s more than enough negativity and criticism in the world. For every three good things being said on any subject, there are 33 bad comments whispering down the lane. Saying only those things that champion people, companies and causes generates positive word-of-mouth. In a predominantly negative world, this will attract people to you like a powerful magnet. When you find yourself engaging in negative talk, notice what you’re saying, stop, make a positive observation instead – or be quiet. Being known as a man or woman of your good word is something you can put right in the bank – and the interest it earns is both residual and powerful.

5. Make and Keep Your Agreements.

“Those people never return phone calls – they must simply not care… Tom said he’d send me literature, but it never came – he’s not serious about this business… We had an appointment at 3:00, but she never showed up, she never even called – I just can’t count on her.”

These conclusions may not be the truth, but that’s how people feel when you don’t return their calls, follow through and keep your agreements. Keeping your agreements in a timely manner is both professional and duplicatable – it’s the kind of action you want to encourage your distributors to model. Imagine how powerful your organization would be if everyone in it could be counted on to do what they said they would?

Most calls don’t get returned, letters don’t get mailed, appointments aren’t kept, because of “not enough time” or “not being organized.” Fact is, it’s really a lack of commitment to keep our agreements. Making that commitment alone is a powerful action.

Honoring your intention to make and keep your promises is an almost 100 percent guarantee of success.

6. Set a Limit On Your Phone Time.

As an overall rule and with specific calls, placing a time limit on calls increases your effectiveness and reduces your phone bill, too – a classic win-win. Communications experts estimate that more than 80 percent of what we say is not to the point. Even if you saved only 50 percent of your telephone time by making time-limit agreements, you’d have time for twice as many calls. Busy people appreciate being concise and to-the-point. It’s a habit they have. The telephone may be the most powerful business tool you have – but only if you’re actually using it to do the business.

7. Just Say “No”.

Building your network marketing business can be a very busy enterprise. Many of us have a tendency to over commit. One problem is saying “Yes” too often. Being all things to all people is a crazy goal. Can’t be done. Learning how and when to say “No,” isn’t a self-indulgent limitation. It is a solid expression of what it takes to run your business in the most efficient and effective manner. And, it will also help to promote your people rising up to take responsibility for their own success.

To start, set a simple goal of saying “No” three times each day.

Don’t make it arbitrary. Choose times and subjects where saying “Yes” doesn’t serve you or your enterprise. Say “No” when you really mean it. Say “No” when it serves everyone involved.

8. Do One Thing At A Time.

Focus is vital for your success. Many of us split our focus: writing notes or organizing while on a phone conversation, having two conversations at once, and the frequent trap of the home-based business person: being torn between family and work.

“Jack (and Jill) of all trades” is truly master of none. You’ve got to concentrate on the task at hand and give it your full attention to succeed.

Otherwise, you’re ripping yourself or others off. From paying full attention to the person on the other end of the phone, to scheduling your time so that you’re not torn between two concerns, the one thing at a time approach works best. If you find yourself looking up a phone number while writing a note to someone, stop, make a choice of one or the other, and complete one task before moving on to the next. Choice is the key. It leaves your mind free to be fully engaged in your action. Distraction saps your energy, leads to fatigue and a lack of productivity. Remember, producing predictable results is what you’re after. The ability to focus on one thing at a time will increase the number of wins in your day � and in your career as well.

These proven practices will powerfully contribute to your professional network marketing success – guaranteed.

John Milton Fogg authored the million-selling industry classic, The Greatest Networker in the World. You can receive useful tips, tools, news, updates, links and other resources to help you build a better network marketing business free from John on his website: Be sure to visit John’s weblog: where (almost) daily he posts commentary and resources for authentic, intelligent, sincere and credible network marketing.

MLM Network Marketing Prospecting

Five Step Sponsoring

By John Milton Fogg

Lots of “Sponsoring Systems” leave little room for individuality or your personal creativity. Here’s one that gives you the systematic structure you can lean on – yet it’s an open structure, which you can make your own and do your own way. It’s a proven mlm network marketing prospecting system.

No matter what company you’re associated with… no matter what product or service you’re offering… whether your orientation is product, opportunity, personal growth or whatever – this system will work for you. The reason it is so versatile is that it is based on universal principles of human nature, expressed in conversation – because that is the essence of the interviewing / sponsoring process.

Let’s jump into it.

Step 1: Establish Relationship

Obvious? Good. But this is one area where a surprising number of people make life (and sponsoring) much harder than necessary. There are three keys here. One and two: Ask questions, and Listen openly to the answers. And three: Be direct.

One thing you can’t fake in this business is a genuine interest in people. If you don’t have it, find it – because this really is the people-to-people business.

The most popular conversation starter in the world is the most-often-asked and least-listened-to: “How are you?” Don’t take no answer for an answer to this one. Pounce gently on a superficial reply by asking, “Really, Sara, how are you?” You can easily continue the conversation by asking things like: “Can you say more about that…? What do you mean…? Why is that…?” etc.

One tip: Remember the person’s name – and use it often. It is, for them, the most important word in the language. Write it down, if you’re forgetful. Begin sentences with their name, “Ralph, that’s interesting…”

Some call this “building rapport”; others, “priming the pump.” You might say simply, “Making friends.” No matter, it is the required Step One. Focus on them and keep yourself in the background. Keep asking questions. Don’t champ at the bit to move on to “more important things.” Nothing is more important than Establishing Relationship – if for no other reason, because it’s in this initial step that you’ll begin to hear the information you need to know if this person is right for you and your opportunity.

Be direct. Don’t evade anything. If asked “Why?” answer straight. We all have a built-in avoidance meter that screams when the truth isn’t being told. And it’s easy to tell the truth when the other person is speaking to a listener who’s really interested in who they are and what they’re up to. And you must be, because you’re asking all those questions.

Step 2: Explore Possibilities

After you’ve earned the right to continue the conversation by Establishing Relationship, get to what’s most important for them in their lives. This isn’t prying, and if you’ve built up a resource of knowledge, interest and trust in Step One (which is another reason for that Step), you’ll be able to get to the heart of the matter right away.

What is “the heart of the matter”? Very simply: what your prospect values most in his or her life. Find this out before you ask what they want.

Many times – most times – we express what we “want” as a positive reversal of what we already have that we don’t want. Most goals are like this: “I want to make a lot of money” (that is: “I am sick and tired of being in debt”); “I want to be slim and trim” (in other words: “I am fat and I don’t want to look this bad anymore”); “I’d like to be in business for myself (because: “I am tired of feeling like a wage slave”).

When you get people in touch with what’s really important to them, their goals and wants grow out of that. Touching that essential core is much more powerful than basing your interview on what they don’t want more of in their lives.

Possibilities, dreams, aspirations, childhood wishes, genuine wants – these are the things to get to in this step. Take them back to their childhood, get them talking about what they wanted to be and do before “the system” beat it out of them. When you get to people’s possibilities, they’re almost always about great things like freedom, making a difference, empowering and enabling others, making a creative impact on the world… Those are the real, essential desires – and they are what connect most directly and fundamentally with your opportunity.

Follow them back to their essence as best you can. “What would it be like if you were that prima ballerina, that statesperson, that millionaire…?”

In a real sense, almost everyone is “the right person” for network marketing, because the essential things they value are all available from doing this business successfully. In the next Step, you’ll find this out with the person for real.

Step 3: Reveal Resources

Here’s where you come in with your opportunity – and link it directly to them and the values they’ve revealed in Step Two.
Up to this point, you’ve shared visions of Possibilities – but Possibilities and Opportunity are quite different.

If Possibilities are dreams just waking up in the morning, Opportunities are Possibilities that are dressed, breakfasted and ready to walk out the door and go to work.
Possibilities are a wonderful expression of values – but out of what’s possible, what’s truly available? You begin revealing that by letting them know how and why network marketing can be the vehicle for them to accomplish what’s truly important to them. Ask questions to make sure they agree, that that’s true for them.

They may doubt it’s possible at first. That’s okay. Let them know that one part of your job is to help them know that it really is possible. You do that by revealing all of their resources.

Possibilities + Resources = Actual Opportunities.
John Kalench listed five key questions from his book, Being The Best You Can Be In MLM, that every prospect has in his or her mind:

1. Is this business SIMPLE?
2. Is it FUN?
3. Can I make MONEY doing it?
4. Will you HELP me to do it?
5. Is NOW the right time to get involved?

Network marketing is a system that can enable your prospects to make the most effective use of their resources: Time, energy, effort, talents, character, skills, caring for others, etc. As you explain the business to them, help them discover and plug in their own unique, individual resources. That way you can show them how they will be successful in network marketing, because they have just what it takes to succeed in this business.

After you’ve done that, share your experience of your products and your company. Take them from network marketing directly to your particular vehicle. And remember, it is your vehicle. They are not joining Acme MLM Company. They are joining you and your network organization. This is very important. Don’t forget that you yourself, including your experiences with your vehicle and your willingness to serve your prospect, are a key resource. In fact, you are perhaps – in their eyes – the most important resource of all.

So, in Step Three, you reveal and connect their resources (time, energy, effort, etc.) and your resources (product, company, training, coaching, team support, etc.) to create a believable alignment. And next…

Step 4: Design Actions

You’ve got their wants (their goals), and you know the resources they’re bringing to the table, and you know how much time, energy and effort they’re willing to commit to building their business. So, the first point here is a reality check: Here’s your opportunity to make it really real. Let them know exactly what it will take to achieve their goals in the time frame they envision. This step is all about “create and adjust.” Create expectations, then adjust them (if need be) to what’s real. Next, reverse goal-setting. Start with each of their goals and work them back one at a time to a first-step action they can take today or tomorrow. First steps are: Make a list, make a call, sign an application, get X amount worth of inventory, etc. A note about inventory: In the previous Step, you revealed their resources. One of them is money for inventory, i.e., capital to invest in their new business. Now, based on their expectations, you can tailor just the right size inventory they will need to do the business at the level that’s appropriate for their stated – and checked-out-by-you – goals. There’s never a question of inappropriate inventory “loading” when you do this, never a bad feeling because of too little or too much. Also, keep it lower rather than higher. Although some people recommend that you make it a tad too high to keep the pressure on, I do not! That’s manipulation, and it’ll ruin the relationship – if not with you, between the person and him – or herself. It’s easier and more natural to increase the commitment over time because the business is going better than expected, or because it’s easier than they first thought. Going the other way is disappointing – sometimes terminally so.

Reverse goal-setting is a simple way to trace the goals back, step by step, so that the first step for taking action and second, third, fourth… are clear and, above all, do-able!
And that’s a key. It also helps you in your coaching role, because you can have a copy of their action plan, which enables you to check in with them and support them in generating and keeping their momentum going.
Last, but not least…

Step 5: “What Could Go Wrong?”

One thing that absolutely, positively comes along with every goal we ever set is the inevitable breakdown(s) along the way. If you’re aware of them (if not specifically what they are, at least that they are coming), you can get over and through them with far greater ease.

What breakdowns should you and your prospect plan for?

First and foremost, non-supportive family or friends.

When people first choose to enter this business, they are “newborns.” They need to be protected, nurtured and provided for. Any attack, no matter how well-meaning, may knock the wind out of your prospects’ sails. Help them out.

Let them know it could happen. Provide them with some tools to help the potential “attacker” understand the business. CDs, websites, brochures and books that explain network marketing are great. So is a good solid rap on your product and company. Also, make yourself available to talk with any of their advisors. It’s best, but not always possible, to do sponsoring conversations with everybody involved, husband and wife, etc. If that’s not possible, volunteer to speak with them and answer any questions – whenever.

Showing their goals and action plan is a beaut! It proves real thought and planning, and that’s very hard to blow away. Also, the very fact that you’re willing to spend time on what could go wrong is a big, big plus. Trust in you will knock away many third-party objections.

What else could go wrong?

Rejection. Mark Yarnell has a wonderful story of 199 sponsoring failures and only one success – who went on to make him almost $50,000 per month! It’s a good reminder of the truth of networking success.

Commitment balances rejection. So does reconnecting the person with their values. In fact, that’s the key to handling breakdowns – refocusing on the vision. It’s where the power is in the whole process. Without doing this, your prospect may get over the difficulty, but it’s iffy at best. When he or she refocuses on the vision they have for getting into the business, it’s darn near a done deal.

Also, let this part be a group or team effort. Facing breakdowns all alone is a real struggle. You will build just as much character – and have far more power for positive change – if you and your group have an active “creative brainstorming” session to help each of your people over the tough spots when they occur. Remember Kalench’s key question, “Will they help me do it?” And what a great way to show people how very directly you and yours will be of genuine help.

That’s it. A proven mlm network marketing prospecting system: Five Steps For Sponsoring.

Where’s Their Beef?

Have you noticed something missing from the Five Steps? There are two:

First, no “Handling Objections” section. Why not? Because “objections” are 99 percent a product of a lack of understanding on the part of your prospect. In fact, they are certified, red-flag clues that the Five Steps described above haven’t been completed.

The key to working this system successfully is to reach a point of completion on each Step before moving on to the next. Remember, “completion” is not final. It is simply complete for the moment. Establishing Relationship will continue and deepen for as long as you are in relationship. As people do the business, they will discover resources they didn’t know were available at first. Each Step is ongoing, but each requires a sense of completion before it can give birth to the next.

When completion is achieved in each Step, you have reached an understanding – and from that grows positive belief. Successful completion of each step also generates momentum, which grows geometrically throughout the entire process.

Objections do not come up in this process, because the purpose of the entire Sponsoring Conversation is to see if this is the right opportunity and the prospect is the right person and now is the right time. So it’s not a question of handling objections. It’s questions and answers to discover what’s true for them. A very different ball game.

And by the way, there’s no guarantee that you’ll be able to reach completion of all five Steps in one actual conversation. And there’s no rule that says you have to. One key to reaching completion is to take any imagined time pressure off yourself: In one conversation with a given prospect, it may be more important to spend your entire time establishing a solid Relatedness, and leaving the door open for your next conversation, than to plunge through your agenda before the bell rings.

Other times, the prospect may seem so “in sync” with what you’re offering that one or two of those Steps sail by with barely a nod. Watch out! Even when it feels like “a breeze,” don’t let that blow you off track. Make sure that you do cover each Step, that it’s voiced, shared and complete, so you won’t have to come back later to fill in the blanks and assumptions.

In Closing…

The second thing “missing” is “The Close.” Where is it? It wasn’t even mentioned! That’s because there is none – it’s unnecessary.

You don’t “close” – you open. The point of this process is for your prospects to “close” themselves.
You won’t get through Resources and Opportunities on to Step Four (Action) if they are not in and interested. In fact, you won’t reach completion in any Step if this is not something they genuinely want to do.

MLM Network Marketing Prospecting: Five Step Sponsoring enables people to enroll naturally. Not only do you not have to “sell” them products, you do not have to “sell” them the opportunity, either. If it fits their goals because it is a great way to express their values, they’re in – automatically. Why? Because we will pay them to live and work that way.

It’s more than win-win, it’s win squared.

John Milton Fogg authored the million-selling industry classic, The Greatest Networker in the World. You can receive useful tips, tools, news, updates, links and other resources to help you build a better network marketing business free from John on his website: Be sure to visit John’s weblog: where (almost) daily he posts commentary and resources for authentic, intelligent, sincere and credible network marketing.