
Click Title to Play

Date 6/24/2010
Presenter Len Clements
Title Lead Generation & Follow Up
Subject Specific techniques for generating qualified leads and how to address those leads.
Length 60 min.
Date 4/15/2010
Presenter Len Clements
Title The Greatest Home Business Tax Benefit You’ve Never Heard Of
Subject Spend $199 a year, and an hour per month to save literally thousands of dollars in taxes. Every networker can be eligible ‑ no catch!
Length 54 min.
Date 4/10/2010
Presenter Randy Gage
Title Corporate Deals & Prospecting
Subject Len Clements interviews trainer, author and speaker Randy Gage about corporate recruiting deals and warm market prospecting.
Length 58 min.
Date 4/1/2010
Presenter Len Clements
Title MLM Judo: How to Compete Against Competitors Who Don’t Fight Fair
Subject Len Clements discusses techniques for overcoming hype and mud slinging by unethical competitors.
Length 60 min.
Date 3/25/2010
Presenter Daren Falter
Title How to Select an MLM Company
Subject Len Clements interviews MLM researcher, consultant and author of the book “How to Select a Network Marketing Company”, Daren Falter about what to look for, and look out for, when choosing an MLM opportunity.
Length 60 min.
Date 3/11/2010
Presenter Kevin Grimes
Title Income & Medical Claims: What Are The Rules?
Subject Len Clements interviews MLM attorney Kevin Grimes about the legal requirements as they partain to income and disease treatment claims.
Length 60 min.
Date 3/4/2010
Presenter Spencer Reese
Title MLM vs. Pyramid Scheme: What’s the Difference?
Subject Len Clements interviews MLM attorney Spencer Reese about the legal definitions that delineate a legal MLM program from an illegal pyramid scheme.
Length 60 min.
Date 2/11/2010
Presenter John Fogg
Title Old School vs. New School
Subject Len Clements interviews John Fogg about the importance of human contact while building an MLM business.
Length 60 min.
Date 2/4/2010
Presenter Len Clements
Title Inside Secrets of Compensation Plans
Subject A detailed expose’ of many of the most common tricks, gimmicks and illusionary benefits exployed by some MLM compensation plans today.
Length 60 min.
Date 1/15/2009
Presenter Len Clements
Title Medical & Income Claims: The Shocking Truth!
Subject FTC & FDA regulations and restrictions related to medical and income claims.

55 min.

Date 3/6/2008
Presenter Len Clements
Title Len does Inhale!
Subject A collection of all of the inhales edited out of one of my recent opportunity calls (kind of creepy).
Length 0.7 min.
Date 12/17/2007
Presenter Len Clements (Guest)
Title Dale Stefancic’s, “Entrepreneurs On Call” show
Subject General discussion regarding the state of the MLM industry.
Length 29.2 min.
Date 12/8/2007
Presenter Len Clements (Guest)
Title Tom Chenault`s “Home Business Radio Show”
Subject Various challenges facing the MLM industry (Barry Minkow, FTCs revised biz opp rule, CODEX, etc.).
Length 18.5 min.
Date 10/10/2007
Presenter Len Clements (Guest)
Title Dale Stafancic’s, “Entrepreneurs On Call” show
Subject General discussion regarding the state of the MLM industry.
Length 28.3 min.
Date 8/19/2007
Presenter Len Clements
Title Stammerin’ Len
Subject A collection of all of the “ums”, “uhs” and “you knows” edited out of one of my recent opportunity calls.
Length 1.3 min.
Date 7/15/2007
Presenter Len Clements
Title Silent Sirens: The Scarcity of Women Behind the Scams
Subject Audio rendition of the popular “Silent Sirens” article.
Length 12 min.
Date 1/15/2007
Presenter Len Clements (Guest)
Title Deconstructing Pay Plans
Subject Important factors to consider when evaluating MLM pay plans.
Length 8 min.
Date 4/13/2006
Presenter Len Clements
Title The Luck Factor
Subject Audio rendition of the article “The Luck Factor”.
Length 9 min.
Date 7/7/2005
Presenter Len Clements
Title BVBS
Subject Audio rendition of the article “BVBS”.
Length 17.4 min.
Date 8/21/2004
Presenter Len Clements
Title Medical Claims Call
Subject A live conference call conducted for MarketWave subscribers related to medical claims in general and recent FDA/FTC actions.
Length 57.5 min.
Date 2/20/2004
Presenter Len Clements
Title MLM Defense
Subject A live training call conducted by the MLMIA. Len’s topic was an older version of “MLM Judo”.
Length 56 min.