Len’s Articles Library

All articles listed below are authored by Leonard W. Clements and are copyrighted material. You may freely copy any article provided that the short bio information at the end of each article, the MarketWave 800-number and web site address, and the statement: “Copyright (c) Leonard W. Clements” remains intact.


Exposé, Reviews & Rebuttal Articles are RED
Compensation Plan Articles are GREEN
General MLM Articles are BLUE

In Defence of the FDA (2014)
Wake Up Now Review (2014)
Empower Network Review (2013)
MLM gniniarT: Why Is It Provided Bass Ackwards? (2013)
Bill Ackman vs. Herblife: Another Bogus Short Seller Attack (2012)
Zeek Rewards Exposé (2012)
Monitium Review (2011)
Numis Network Update (2010)
Numis Network Review (2010)
Ponzi vs. Pyramid (2012)
The Four Major Major Fears of Starting Your Own Business (2009)
Mission Impossible–Cheating in China Rebuttal (2008)
ABC News MLM Article Response (2008)
Rebuttal to National Business Review Article (2007)
Rebuttal to FDI YouTube Videos (2007)
Rebuttal to Jon Taylor’s Response (2007)
Rebuttal to Robert Fitzpatrick’s Usana Analysis (2007)
Rebuttal to FDI Response–Round 3 (2007)
Rebuttal to FDI Response–Round 2 (2007)
Rebuttal to FDI Usana Report (2007)
Anti-MLM Zealots Part 11–Overview (2005)
Anti-MLM Zealots Part 10–Others (2005)
Anti-MLM Zealots Part 9–Jon Taylor (2005)
Anti-MLM Zealots Part 8–Jon Taylor (2005)
Anti-MLM Zealots Part 7–MLMSurvivor.com (2005)
Anti-MLM Zealots Part 6–MLMSurvivor.com (2005)
Anti-MLM Zealots Part 5–Ruth Carter (2005)
Anti-MLM Zealots Part 4–Robert FitzPatrick (2005))
Anti-MLM Zealots Part 3–Robert FitzPatrick (2005)
Anti-MLM Zealots Part 2–Robert FitzPatrick (2005)
Anti-MLM Zealots Part 1–Dean Van Druff (2005)
The Australian Two-Up Plan: Illusions of Grandeur (2005)
Silent Sirens: The Scarcity of Women Among the Scams (2007, 2008)
Product Return ‘Gotchas’ (2008)
GasUp USA: Points of Concern (2003)
The Diamond of Needs (1992)
Don’t Diligence (2000)
Begging To Be Mislead (2002)
The Quintessential Qualifying Question (2002)
The Coming MLM Boom! (2002)
TTP: Response & Rebuttal (2001)
The ‘Duplicatable System’ Myth (2000)
The Binary & The Law: A Guilt by Association (2000)
MLM Ignorance (2002)
The Tax People: A Case Study (2000)
An In-Depth Analysis of Compressed Pay Plans (2000)
How Toxic is Your Spaghetti Sauce? (2000)
MLM Product Claims (2000)
Working Multiple MLM Programs: A Gross Fallacy of Logic (1998)
Why Internet Based MLM Opportunities Will Never Work (2003)
The Extinction of Excellence? (1997)
The MLM Name Game: Have We Reached Saturation? (1999)
Romantic Semantics: Deciphering MLM’s Secret Language (1999)
MLM Defense (aka MLM Judo) (1999)
The Hype Cycle Revs Up (1999)
The Art of the MLM Deal (1996)
MLM Gimmicks: The Truth Behind All Those Screwy Deals (2000)
Does MLM Make Us GOOFY? (1995)
Personal Consumption and the 70% Rule (1999, 2004)
Regulatory Red Flags: How Many Is Your Company Waving? (1997)
Courting MLM: Are We Ever Going to Get Married? (2001)
MLM Advertising – Are We Shooting Ourselves in the Foot? (1996)
MLM Products: Shouldn’t We Be Ashamed? (2001)
Pyramid, Ponzi, & Investment Schemes: Is One Hiding Behind Your MLM Program? (1997)
Downline Pirates: The Scourge of the Industry (1999)
How Much Money Are You Making? And Other Completely Useless Questions (1998)
MLM Start Ups: Are They Strangling The Industry (1995)
How to Add 1,000 People to Your Downline Each and Every Week – Seriously! (1996)
The BIG Lie (1993)
10,000 UNRECRUITED Heavy Hitters – And No One is Calling Them (1998)
Win The Race – By Staying in One Place! (1996)
Why Is It? (1993)
MLM Failures: Who’s Really Responsible? (1993)
The A-B-C Technique (1994, 2001)