Podcast #2: Ted Lindauer, Shaklee, BASE105, MLM Ignorance & Bigotry, Multivitamin Study, Greg Caton, Kevin Trudeau, Usana, Zrii, Barry Minkow

Host: Len Clements, MarketWave, Inc. Founder/CEO

Podcast #1: Industry Updates & Rants

Host: Len Clements

Zrii, YTB Travel, Kinoki Foot Pads, Sunshine Empire, Lightyear Network Solutions, Verizon, PayPal, LinkedIn, eBay, Facebook.

Inside Network Marketing: Podcast #1

Host: Len Clements, Founder and CEO of MarketWave, Inc.

Topics related to Zrii, YTB Travel, Kinoki Foot Pads, Sunshine Empire, Lightyear Network Solutions, Verizon, and the anti-MLM policies of PayPal, LinkedIn, eBay, Facebook.